Rolling stock & Railway

The Rolling stock & Railway industry is a vital sector responsible for the design, manufacturing, operation, and maintenance of trains, locomotives, and the entire railway infrastructure.

The industry and entire chain from production to operations plays a crucial role in providing efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation for both passengers and freight.

Electrification, Sustainability and Innovation

The railway supply industry, encompassing infrastructure and rolling stock (locomotives, coaches, wagons, etc.), plays a crucial role in realising the European Union’s objectives for sustainable and efficient transport. Rail transport, offering an environmentally friendly alternative to road and air transport, is central to the EU’s decarbonisation goals.

The EU railway supply industry, encompassing both transport and rolling stock sectors, is expected to experience substantial growth, with a projected Compound Annual Growth Rate of 2.1% up to 2030.

The industry is continually evolving with the adoption of innovative technologies, such as high-speed trains, electrification, and digitalization.

Sustainability and environmental concerns also play a significant role in driving developments within the sector, leading to more energy-efficient trains and eco-friendly practices.

This is a fact that we embrace and support with our expertise in project management and quality assurance in maintenance, development or supply chain.

Key components of the Rolling Stock & Railway industry include:

Overall, the industry’s focus is on improving safety, reliability, and efficiency while contributing to sustainable transportation solutions and supporting economic growth.

Our Competence Hub for Rolling Stock & Railway Projects

We have developed a competence hub for Rolling stock & Railway for Orban Consulting by partnering with Danish Project Management Consultancy KP Consulting located in Aarhus, Denmark.

As a subsidiary, KP Consulting supports our activities across the organization and brings industry specific know-how and expertise to our team.


You have questions, need further information, wish to talk with us or have a completely different request? Do not hesitate to call us or send us a message via the contact form below. We look forward to hearing from you!