
Current Global Trends in the Market

Triggered by increasingly rapid changes in the underlying economic conditions and priorities, companies face the question of how to best deal with these challenges. In this environment, companies are forced to create the basis for revenue growth and new developments through stringent cost management and systematic process optimization (operational excellence).


In recent years, Europe has been experiencing an investment shift in production due to several key factors. Firstly, rising labor costs in traditionally low-cost manufacturing countries have led many companies to reevaluate their production strategies. As a result, European countries with advanced infrastructure and skilled workforces have become more attractive for investments.​

Secondly, advancements in automation and digitalization have made it possible for companies to optimize production processes and reduce their dependence on cheap labor. This has led to a reindustrialization trend in Europe, with companies reshoring their manufacturing operations to the region.​

Furthermore, concerns about supply chain resilience and geopolitical uncertainties have prompted companies to reconsider offshoring strategies and seek more localized production capabilities within Europe.​

Moreover, increasing awareness of environmental sustainability has driven investments in greener and more resource-efficient production methods, aligning with the EU’s focus on sustainability and circular economy principles.​

In conclusion, the investment shift in production within Europe can be attributed to rising labor costs abroad, technological advancements, supply chain resilience considerations, and the growing emphasis on environmental sustainability.​

Demographic Change

In the context of demographic reasons, technical expertise is becoming a bottleneck for future growth due to several factors.

Firstly, an aging population is leading to a significant portion of experienced technical experts reaching retirement age. As they exit the workforce, there is a shortage of skilled individuals to fill their roles, leading to a loss of valuable institutional knowledge and expertise.

Secondly, there is a decline in the number of young people pursuing careers in technical fields. This trend is caused by various factors, such as a shift in educational preferences towards non-technical disciplines and a lack of interest in certain technical professions.

Furthermore, rapid technological advancements are continually creating new technical challenges and demands, outpacing the rate at which the workforce can acquire new skills. This results in a shortage of experts who possess cutting-edge knowledge in emerging technologies.

Addressing this issue requires concerted efforts, including promoting technical education and attracting young talent to pursue technical careers, investing in upskilling and reskilling programs for the existing workforce, and encouraging knowledge-sharing and mentorship to retain valuable expertise within the workforce. Otherwise, the shortage of technical expertise may impede future growth and innovation in various industries. 


Sustainable engineering and the circular loop economy are becoming increasingly important in the future due to the pressing global challenges of environmental degradation and resource depletion. As the world faces the consequences of climate change, pollution, and dwindling natural resources, there is a growing recognition that traditional linear economic models are not sustainable.​

Sustainable engineering focuses on designing and implementing solutions that minimize negative environmental impacts, reduce waste, and optimize resource use. It aims to create technologies and systems that can meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.​

The circular loop economy, on the other hand, promotes the concept of “reduce, reuse, and recycle,” where products and materials are kept in use for as long as possible through repair, refurbishment, and recycling. This approach aims to close the resource loop and minimize waste generation.​

Both sustainable engineering and the circular loop economy are crucial for mitigating climate change, conserving natural resources, and building a more resilient and prosperous future for humanity. By adopting these principles, industries can reduce their ecological footprint, enhance resource efficiency, and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable global economy.​


The electrification of the automotive industry is significantly impacting the execution of excessive growth plans and the management of restructuring portfolios, shutdowns, capacity reduction, and re-investment. As the demand for electric vehicles (EVs) rises, automakers face the challenge of swiftly adapting their production strategies to meet the changing market dynamics.​

On one hand, manufacturers experiencing rapid growth in the EV sector must manage the complexities of scaling up production capacities and supply chains to keep up with demand. This requires substantial investments in new manufacturing facilities, battery production plants, and workforce training.​

On the other hand, the transition to electric vehicles is disrupting the traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) segment, leading to a need for restructuring and downsizing in certain areas. Some companies may face the challenge of managing excess capacity in their ICE production, necessitating shutdowns or reconfiguration of facilities.​

To navigate these challenges successfully, automakers must carefully manage their portfolios, making strategic decisions about where to invest in electrification, which ICE operations to downsize, and how to reallocate resources effectively. It also entails fostering innovation and sustainability in product design and production methods to remain competitive in the evolving automotive landscape.​

Digitalization, AI and Cyber Security

Digitalization has profoundly impacted the automation of production and supply chain operations while also introducing new challenges in terms of cybersecurity in the production field.​

Automation of production processes has been revolutionized through digitalization. Smart factories are increasingly adopting technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and robotics to optimize efficiency, reduce human errors, and enhance overall productivity. Automated systems can now communicate and coordinate seamlessly, leading to more streamlined and agile manufacturing processes.​

In supply chain operations, digitalization has enabled real-time tracking and data analysis, resulting in improved inventory management, reduced lead times, and enhanced supply chain visibility. Integration of digital tools like cloud-based systems, blockchain, and predictive analytics has facilitated data-driven decision-making and efficient collaboration between stakeholders.​

However, digitalization has also brought about cybersecurity challenges. As production systems become more interconnected and data-driven, they become susceptible to cyber threats and attacks. Protecting critical manufacturing data, intellectual property, and ensuring the integrity of production processes has become a paramount concern.​

Therefore, industries must balance the benefits of digitalization-driven automatization and supply chain optimization with robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard production assets and ensure the continuity of operations in an increasingly interconnected and digitized world.​


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